Akshay's bad health affects TMK Akshay Kumar's chronic back problem, which immobilized him on Tuesday, has a strange and bizarre connection with Farah Khan. Farah who's just directed Akshay in Tees Maar Khan, earlier directed Shahrukh Khan who also suffered from a chronic back problem that has put him out of action more than once. And Farah, to carry the queer coincidence forward... Mirch highlights: Witty sex comedy Mirch, meaning chilli, hit the headlines hard like a bolt from the blue when its sexy trailers made it to the small screens. As the title suggests, it is likely to be as hot as the chillis. Yes, it is said to have lots of lovemaking scenes. The highlights of Mirch are witty and humorous sexy scenes. It is said that Raima Sen is upset with her lovemaking scenes with co-star... | | |