Shahrukh to undergo knee surgery in Mumbai Actor Shahrukh Khan has cancelled his plans of going abroad for his knee surgery. Deciding on spending some quality time with his family and meanwhile, looking after the Ra.One promotions closely, Shahrukh will undergo his knee surgery in Mumbai’s Breach Candy Hospital tentatively on July 25. Dr. Ali Irani, a sports medicine specialist and cricketer Sachin Tendulkar's... Aamir watches Delhi Belly with Raj Thackeray Bollywood actor Aamir Khan bonded with Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray over his latest production Delhi Belly. The duo watched the film together at Ketnav theatre last night (July 3). Sources said that Raj Thackeray requested Aamir to arrange a special screening of Delhi Belly, as his friends were very eager to watch it. The actor willingly... | | |