Salman Khan patches up with Hrithik Bollywood actor Salman Khan recently earned the wrath of Hrithik Roshan by criticising the latter's film Guzaarish. However, the actors cleared the misunderstanding before things were blown out of proportion. They have patched up by hugging and drinking together at a party. Well, it is reported that Salman and Hrithik bumped into each other at Sohail Khan's birthday party. Vidya Balan: I am pregnant Now when you have Vidya Balan telling you, "I am pregnant", you'd get a shock of your life. You'd tend to look around and see if there isn't anyone listening to the breaking news, right? So you look around and to your horror see half a dozen people staring at you. Then like a teacher telling a kid, 'Come on son, fill in the blank', Vidya completes the blank, "I am pregnant with... | | |
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