| | Madhur Bhandarkar to revive Heroine Filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar, whose dream project Heroine starring actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan got shelved after the pregnancy news, has been hitting the headlines for different reasons. Recently, it was heard that Bhandarkar has once approached his original preference Kareena Kapoor for Heroine. Later, it was also heard that there is a tough competition... Mausam was especially written for Shahid Actor-turned-director Pankaj Kapoor who is all set with his upcoming film Mausam says that the film is specially made for his son actor Shahid Kapoor, who is the lead of the film. "I have wanted to direct a film. I have directed television for about five years. So there was a desire to direct. I have been writing for a long time. So here came a moment where we decided to go with this film... | | | | | | |
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